Amman arowana lightThe tank one day before of the disaster
arowana lightThe tank one day before of the disaster
Today, When I got up I saw the tank diferent , 3 cromis viridis were dead on the substrate, the Trimaculatus was dying, the rest of the fishes were hidden between the rocks.I checked the main parametres and I saw that the redox (ORP) was at 707 mv. My controller had broken itself and it hadn′t disconnected the supply of ozone when it had reached the 340 mv programmed.
At the moment I have lost:
- 8 Cromis viridis
- 1 zebrasoma Flavescens
- 1 Apolemitchys Trimaculatus
- 1 Centropige Loriculus
I dont know if I ll be able to save the Imperator ( my favourite and loved mate). The rest of the fishes are fine ( I think so).
Tomorrow I will share with you 2 videos that I recorded this morning where you will be able to see the effects of ozone poisoning.
Although it is a unpleasant experience for me I think that it is important to show and share with you this bad experience.
Yesterday I recorded this video (before of the disaster):
So sorry about what had happened, Quino. Hope you can remedy the situation fast. By the way, whats the ideal reading of ORP for a marine tank? Do you also measure TDS whats the reading like?
>sorry for your lost Quino
>Thanks bros for your comments.
Well, here are some pictures of what I found in my aquarium yesterday. There arent some nice videos but what I want is to show the risk to the use of ozone. Never install an ozonator without ORP controller, since ozone is a highly oxidizing gas (much more than chlorine).
In my case I had a ORP controller but it failed.
An excess of ozone in the water attacks the fishs gills causing death by suffocation.
What to do in case of overdose?
1 - disconnect the supply of ozone (obviously)
2 - Aerate the water forcefully. Use pumps to the movement of the water surface and aerators.
The residual ozone in a well aerated aquarium takes 45-60 minutes to disappear.
Finally say that damage to the fish will depend on the ozone concentration / time of exposition and the individual. Fish that have the ability to secrete more mucus amount will be less affected than other species that do not.
Fortunately, the Imperator has survived and is fine. All other fish and corals are also fine.
>Quino, sorry for your loss. You are very kind to share with us your experience despite facing the disaster. Your sharing helps people to learn and take the necessary precaution.
>Sad to hear of your lost, Thanks for sharing the info although I did not keep Marine. Hope you regain with happy fish keeping as soon as possible.
>Hi Bro Quino,
Sorry and sad to hear and watch what happened..When I first watch the Video before incident,
Wow my reaction was everything are so nicely done, for sure are fish paradise. Neat and nice tank decoration, active colourful school of fish..happy swimming around display their beautiful colours to show off Master Quino.
But next moment disaster just wipe out of this lovely helpless.. lets pray such nightmare will never
happen again. Take care ..thanks for sharing the info, we have to stay alert at all time, always prepare and do more routine check.
>thanks for sharing and sorry for your loss.
Fyi, ozones half-life is really short and the end product is oxygen. Gangtok Aquarium。