Amman micro bubble
micro bubble
hi therei just set up a 5 2 2 tank
with sump
then due to worried back flow, we have drill a hold toward the end of the out put piping
then after that the out put want there is much air bubble while that time is quite clear.
i wonder is it ok about it?
i keep aro and a few ground dragons edi, ablino etc
but i really dont like that tank is not crystal clear
Hi Leonard2k,
I dont micro bubbles will have any bad effect on your fishes but it does make your tank look cloudy.
As you mentioned it being a newly set-up tank, make sure your tank is fully cycled.
The fishes you have produce high bioload if fed regularly, and may cause your tank water to be cloudy if it is not cycled.
If possible, try covering up the hole for 10mins, and see if the water is still cloudy. If the cloudiness is not caused by the bubbles, you may want to check your tank parameters and make sure everything is going well.
If the bubbles are the cause of cloudiness, you may want to install a non-return valve on your output pipe to prevent back flow, instead of using the hole.
>ic ic
hmmm i later go home try
but my sump about 422 i have put a lot a lot of sponge and also sump area is very clean
>Wool is only to trap dirt to prevent your biological medias from being dirty. Your sump is big but what media you use is really important. Care to take a photo of the entire sump and share what media youre using?
Btw, the hole you drill on the output pipe, if possible make it just below your main tank water level when the sump is active. That way, the hole will break the syphon when power goes out and will not create bubbles when its running.
>k k i tonight take a picture
first layer at main tank got 3 layer of wool not show in pic
water go through white wool then back wool
then K1 and bio ball
2nd compartment
full of white dog shit bio filter
3rd compartment
1 bag of black carbon change ever 3 mth
8 kg of coral chips
1 kg of bio home plus
3-5 kg of cermic rings
I wonder if ceramic ring not enough
seem my tank other then mirco bubble it also have some small partical
I want to make my water crystal clear.
didnt I miss out any thing?
>Water flow through white wool first then black?
If the black wool is more coarse than the white wool, then the black wool should be before the white. This allow big particles to stay at the black wool, then finer particles filter at the white one. Otherwise you will find that your white wool is dirty but black wool always clean.
Are you fully utilizing the k1 medias correctly? These medias are intended to be use in a moving bed filter. The k1 media needs to be moving constantly to perform to its best. Letting water flow through it is ok but another type of media will outperform it if youre using it like this.
The amount of biohouse you have is good.
IMO, there is no need for carbon. It is normally applied when you are trying to remove medicine from water or remove any yellow stains in water. Your carbon filter may be masking other problems.
8kg of coral chips sounds like too much. Your water will have high pH, high kh and high gh. Unless youre keeping fish like Cichlids, you shouldnt require so much CC.
Instead of so much CC, you can trade the space for more biohome or CR. I would recommend more biohome as it is very efficient and long lasting.
Make sure your main tank water is circulating well, and pushing dirt into the overflow to your sump. Otherwise your tank will have lots of dirt floating everywhere. Do regular water changes and you are guaranteed clear water.
Make full use of the K1 media the way it should be, it will provide very efficient filtration.
This is my customized K1 filter for my 6ft tank. Its run by air pump in acrylic box. If you dont want this to take up space in your tank, you can use one compartment of your sump to run it as well.
>Water should at least be clear, any cloudy water is an indication of too high bioload. Either improve filtration or reduce livestock.
However clear water doesnt mean clean water!
Ammonia, nitrite and nitrates should be monitored regularly and nitrates should be kept as low as possible.
>ur k1 , is wao
mine not moving like urs, and to move like ur setting is different.
lol my black wool is always clean hee hee hee
my ph is still ok 7.3-7.5
maybe I remove some coral chips
for bio filteration I think should be enough ?
coz tank only 4 fish
1 X 1ft aro
1 X 1/2 ft albino
2 X placo
my main tank got wave maker at bottom to ensure all dirty thing go into filter
how about cermic ring? coz it is not a lot
1st compartment and 2nd compartment is fully bio filter although first also have wool
>Cant judge where your tank stands without knowing the parameters of your water. Maybe you can let us know whats your ammonia/nitrite/nitrate in your tank.
Better to overkill your bio medias, it cant go wrong.
You probably dont need that much CC. Slowly remove 1kg by 1kg and check you pH. Checking kh is more accurate because its the kh that you want from the CC.
Solve your micro bubble issue first, then if water is still not clear, it has to do with bio filtration. Theres also a product called bioearth, after adding your tank will have a white cloud. But after 1 hour the water will clear up pretty well. I use it, but not very often as my tanks are already in good shape. It is known to replace trace minerals too. I dont see any difference whether adding or not though.
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