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Nitrite High Ammonia Nitrogen Almost 0 New Tank Day 10

Author: Time:2021-12-2631 second

Information summary:  Nitrite High Ammonia Nitrogen Almost 0 New Tank Day 10大家好,我是个新手,10天前入了个安信新缸,主缸150*60*60的,过滤是4格底滤 ,新缸消毒后养水5天陆续放了25CM 蝴蝶鲤2条,15 2 tiger fish, 22 tarpon, and the ...., banana baby, August 11th Video.Nitrite High Ammonia Nitrogen Almost 0 New Tank Day 10

  Nitrite High Ammonia Nitrogen Almost 0 New Tank Day 10大家好,我是个新手,10天前入了个安信新缸,主缸150*60*60的,过滤是4格底滤 ,新缸消毒后养水5天陆续放了25CM 蝴蝶鲤2条,15 2 tiger fish, 22 tarpon, and the last little dragon and small pearls have been placed for one week. During the two days, the water is changed by 1 in 4 and the nitrite content is very high, basically reaching 0.15-0.2 The ammonia nitrogen content is almost 0, is it not established by digestive bacteria?还是我的底滤滤材摆放的问题,请大神们指点,担心缸里的鱼,目前看来状态良好我的底滤第一格上面干湿分离,2层超白虑棉 4层魟鱼Super white cotton, which is separated by a water blocking nemesis, the bottom is all black fine pore biochemical cotton, the second grid is (small grid). The top is the Yihan ceramic ring. The bottom is the first three samples of the NO1 stingray suit.第3格全是蓝色藤棉,第4格上面NO1魟鱼套装后3样,下面伊罕石英球 3L,最后格加热棒水泵,消毒灯,放了3小包麦饭,请大神指点了,Thank you

  = (Comments from Xianglong Aquatic Alliance Fish Friends) =

  Map fish lovers Say: Slowly lower, change the amount of water
Yuyou Yunxing Weixin Say: The initial stage of the new tank is normal. It is good to renew the water quality a few times, and wait until the filtration system is stable.
Yuyou dahaibian1 Say: Is it possible to change one third of the main tank the next day?Its one of the three parts of the main tank plus bottom filter
Yuyou18645051231 Say: One-third of every day, change to 0 for nitrite is OK.There is no other way to solve it,Just hair color red arowana picture%Orange arowana pictures(Luobin Red Dragon Fish&Red Arowana Color Feed.Red Arowana Turning Gill$Pay attention to growing red arowana~Singapore red arowana pictures$What is the shape of red arowana^Acrylic tube red dragon fish lamp/ Layton Fish